Friday, July 8th 2022 local leaders met for groundbreaking on the new Fry Creek Pump Station to mitigate local flooding issues in Hoquiam and Aberdeen. After many years of ongoing work, funding coordination, and design work, the team leading the City of Aberdeen's overall flood relief efforts is seeing progress on the Fry Creek Restoration project and associated pump station.
The Fry Creek Restoration project and pump station will improve the storm drainage systems in Aberdeen and Hoquiam so that they more effectively collect and transport runoff from heavy rain events, and significantly reduce the economic burden on the community caused by flooding. In addition to providing flood relieve and resiliency for the community, these projects improve pedestrian mobility and wildlife habitat in the area.
The cities have developed and changed over time, the Fry Creek channel, which runs along the boundary between Hoquiam and Aberdeen from Cherry Street south to Pacific Avenue, has been constricted. Today, the creek is a narrow channel, passing through many culverts and under roadway crossings. The Fry Creek Restoration project aims to restore the creek to a more natural state so the creek can manage heavy rain events and reduce street flooding. Design elements will also include pedestrian improvements to encourage waling and enjoyment of the restored area.
Restoration project elements include:
Day lighting the creek by removing the underground culverts and street crossings at Aberdeen Avenue.
Building a pedestrian bridge at Aberdeen Avenue.
Replacing the existing culvert at Pacific Avenue with a larger culvert that will reduce flooding and provide for better fish passage.
Building a pedestrian walkway connecting Pacific and Aberdeen avenues
Enhancing the bank of Fry Creek with native plantings.
Phases of Fry Creek Restoration Project (each phase has its own project name, as listed below)
Fry Creek Corridor Analysis
Fry Creek Phase I: Simpson Avenue downstream to Bay Avenue
Fry Creek Phase II: Fry Creek Pump Station
Fry Creek Phase III: Simpson Avenue upstream to Sumner Avenue
Benefits of Restoration project:
Improved habitat and recreational opportunities in and around Fry Creek.
Increasing property values and improving use of limited Public Works flood response resources.
About the Fry Creek Pump Station Project
The Fry Creek pump station project will replace the existing pump station with a large pump station to alleviate flooding issues in the area and improve conditions for the wildlife. Once operational, the pump station will control the flow of Fry Creek through Aberdeen during heavy rain and high tides by closing two tide gates and pumping water over the North Shore Levee and out of Grays Harbor.
Pump Station elements include:
Increasing pumping capacity by more than six times the current pump station capacity.
Installing new tide gates to help control water flow
Installing a fish screening system to protect salmon.
Pump Station benefits include:
Reducing flooding during heavy rainfall events by controlling the flow of Fry Creek through Aberdeen and Hoquiam.
Improving salmon habitats.