Grays Harbor Scanner Subscription Programs
Grays Harbor Scanner owned and operated by Grays Harbor Media Services has 2 subscription programs for local alerts and incidents.
These programs allow us to send instant alerts that pop up notification to subscribers either through our GHScanner APP (Found in your phone's app store by searching for GHScanner or Grays Harbor Scanner Alerts) or through Facebook Subscriptions.
When we post a subscriber alert, or content specifically for our subscribers, Facebook will give users a special notification that there is content for them to view. Our GHScanner App will send you a pop up sound notification along with listing all alerts in the app itself.
GHScanner sends out alerts all of the time for subscribers, and then on major alerts we will do our best to try and do a public post, but our priority will be to get the alert out to our subscribers first.
To Subscribe to GHScanner on Facebook, CLICK HERE -
To get alerts on our GHScanner APP. Download the GHScanner App by searching for the word GHScanner or Grays Harbor Scanner Alerts in your app store. Register as a user in the app and then click on Get Alerts! You will be directed to create a PayPal Subscription for our alerts program.