Understanding Radio Talk
Grays Harbor Scanner provides all of the feeds you hear online for the Grays Harbor area, and that includes the broadcast equipment and bandwidth.
Understanding Radio Talk
To understand who's talking and understand what they are saying – When you hear the word “Harbor” that is Grays Harbor Dispatchers. If you hear the word “radio” that is Mason County Dispatchers.
Covers all cities and east fire except for Central Cities Aberdeen, Hoquiam Cosi.
GHS Central Broadcast Feed
Covers Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Cosi fire and police.
Police Agency Designatgions
1 - County SO
2- Aberdeen
3 - Hoquiam
4 - Ocean Shores
5 - Westport
6 - Cosmopolis
7 - Montesano
8 - Elma
9 - McCleary
10 - Taholah
12 - Chehailis Tribe
Police Disposition Codes
1 Settled by Contact
2 G.O.A/U.A.T.C
3 Request Extra Patrols
4 Referred to other agencies
5 Unfounded
6 See OIR (Officer Report)
7 Arrest Made
8 Civil, No Action
9 Patrol / Will get to it later
10 Cancelled
11 Inactive, No Leads
12 Traffic Arrest/Citation
13 See Incident Summary
99 Dispo Unknown
Understanding Fire Calls, and language
Grays Harbor County has been using their new fire Identifiers for over a year now. Here is the breakdown of how these new identifiers work. Cities and stations will identify themselves with a regular name ie: Aberdeen Fire, East Grays Harbor Fire etc... then the unit designations follow with a one or 2-letter code and then their apparatus designation and apparatus number. They can also have their station number with their apparatus number, Here are a few examples
Fire District 5 – Station 1 (Stamper Rd) and equipment from that station is Engine 5-11 (Staton 1. first engine out) if it were Fire District 5 coming from station 2 (Porter) it would be Engine 5-21
Standard apparatus is engine, tender, medic, aid, rescue, portable (responders via pov), utility and brush.
Agencies starting with their agency ID number are as follows, first number refers that there will be a station number and apparatus number after their agency number,
Units 1-9 Hoquiam
Units 10 - 19 Aberdeen
Units 20 - 29 Cosmopolis
Units 7+ Ocean Shores Fire
Units 8+ Elma Fire Department
Units 9+ Montesano Fire
Units 1+ Fire District 1
Units 2+ Fire District 2 Central Park Montesano
Units 3+ South Beach Fire
Units 4+ Fire District 4 Lake Quinault
Units 5+ Grays Harbor Fire District 5 East County
Units 6+ Grays Harbor Fire District 6 East Hoquiam
Units 7+ Grays Harbor Fire District 7 Pacific Beach
Units 8+ Grays Harbor Fire District 8 Copalis Crossing
Units 10+ Grays Harbor Fire District 10 Artic
Units 12+ Grays Harbor Fire District 12 McCleary
Radio Frequencies
Frequency | Description |
154.19000 | Fire - Dists 1-3-10 |
154.34000 | Fire - District 5 |
154.38500 | Fire - District 2: Montesano |
154.32500 | Fire - District 4: Amanda Park |
156.18750 | Fire - District 7: Copalis Beach |
154.17500 | Fire |
154.72500 | Central Law 1 |
155.56500 | Sheriff - Law 1 |
155.31000 | Central Law 2 |
155.79000 | Ops 3 |
155.91000 | Sheriff - Law 2 |
154.31000 | AFD Fire Dispatch |
155.43000 | Police |
155.73000 | Police |
154.14500 | HFD Fire Dispatch |
153.83000 | Fire - Command |
154.10000 | Fire Dispatch |
155.59500 | Tribal Police |