The first opportunity that we have is somewhat an old opportunity but modified in a new way - Page Moderators. This is not so much as a page admin position where a person is required to "post" or "listen to the scanner" but are page moderators only. Page moderators will be responsible for moderating a thread, and posts for page guidelines. If a post or comment does not fit with the guidelines they will hide or delete the post and report it to the page admins.
What this will do for us, is give the admins that need to listen or find information for the posts the ability to not moderate the posts, but continue to update the information and leave the moderating up to the moderators.
Lost and found dogs, cats and other pets are pretty big things and GHS reaches sometimes over 100,000 people a week. But mostly most pet posts we do are located or reunited after people post with our page due to the large reach. However, this becomes a lot of work for admins to keep track of. Did the animal make it home, did the post get shared to the main page, why was a post with an animal deleted.
The Lost and Found Pets Manager position will require that the person be able to watch the page, share posts that are relevant and communicate the information to the public on posts that have been made with GHS. This person is not required to have a scanner or listen to the online feeds as their main responsibility will be to lost and found pets.
Community Helpers
The next opportunity that we are opening up is going to be community helpers. Community helpers under senior admin guidance will be persons that can reach out and help coordinate and gather information for those who are in need after a devastating event such as losing their home in a fire, sudden death in the family etc....
Community helpers will reach out to either those directly involved or friends and family members to see what GHS can do to help. Help can come in a few was from us, but most will involve in getting the word out to what the family is in need of and where to donate etc... A Community Helper can choose to be a go-between person or just support in getting the word out.
Community Helpers can suggest where to go to, how to go to and what to do to those recently affected by an event. Another possibility will be to start up donation drives, Christmas family sponsorships and much more.
Starting out the new year Grays Harbor Scanner is going to be opening up 2 new types of page volunteer opportunities to make GHS better, and to make the page stronger in the community.
As with any of our volunteer positions if you are interested you can click on contact us and send us an email or PM us on our page.