Grays Harbor Scanner received word of a great opportunity for others to have a chance to learn firearm safety. While the few scholarships available do not specify in this release that they are for teens, we would highly recommend that if you have a teen that is exposed to firearms that you consider that they take a firearms safety course. Heath with Willapa Firearms Training is a great guy, and you will learn a lot from him.
Are Negligent Firearm Discharges Preventable?
Willapa Firearms Training is committed to preventing tragedy through education and training and has partnered up with Timothy Cook’s family to offer a scholarship to help pay for a paid slot in the March course and again in the April course of the NRA Basics of Pistol Course offered through Willapa Firearms Training.
Timothy Cook was tragically killed due to a negligent discharge while hunting with friends and family on October 12, 2008 and the family still mourns his loss. His family, especially want to help others avoid the pain they know.
The Basics of Pistol Shooting Course
The Basics of Pistol Shooting Course, is the best way for you to learn the basics of pistol shooting from the top firearms training organization in the world, the NRA! Up-coming courses will be on March 10, 11 and again on April 28, 29th, 2018. The Basics of Pistol Shooting Course is the foundational prerequisite course for future courses we hope to bring here to the Twin Harbors.
Of the many things discussed at the training, students learn the proper way to handle firearms and how to prevent tragedy through the mis-handling of firearms.
If you or a friend is in need of this valuable training and needs assistance with tuition, message us via Facebook or e-mail, as soon as possible, explaining your need and desire to take the course. We will award the slot one week before the course start date.
Willapa Firearms Training thanks the family of Timothy Cook, specifically Kristy Schott-Cook, for the generous donation and her vision for preserving Tim’s memory through education and prevention of further tragedy.
The fundamental NRA rules for safe gun handling are: ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction. This is the primary rule of gun safety. ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot. ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use. Additionally, you should always be sure of your backstop, surroundings, and beyond.
A mechanical safety on a firearm can fail, you must always honor the firearms safety rules!
You can register for one of our courses by following our link on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pg/willapafirearmstraining or our e-mail is