Five Hoquiam Police Explorers who recently graduated from the Explorer Academy in
At the City Council meeting last night, we were very proud to recognize our five
Hoquiam Police Explorers who recently graduated from the Explorer Academy in
These five Explorers attended the Academy and spent 79 hours in training during the
long week. They learned about discipline, physical fitness, policing and working hard.
They reported it was one of the hardest things they have ever done, but the pain and
sweat was worth the effort!
They each learned a great deal and networked with 190 other Explorers from around
the state. The Academy was geared to be an inside look into law enforcement and the
training required for the career path.
As we know from our own lives, sometimes the thing which seems the hardest, the thing
you are not sure you can complete, is the sweetest mountain to climb. This was the
case for our Explorers. They actually enjoyed the challenge so much they want to go to
the Advanced Academy later this year.
The Explorer Post is geared for youth from the ages of 16-20. Our Explorers are
members of the department who not only ride along with officers, but also serve the
community in many ways- you will next see them directing traffic at Logger's Playday.
Congratulations to our Explorers and their graduation (Left to Right): Sgt. Kayla
Robinette, Jordan Zapata, Courtney McCormick, RJ Abbott and Brisa Solano. Courtney
was also recognized as third highest for physical fitness for females out of the entire
Good job to all of our Explorers and their Post Advisor, Det. Don Grossi. Mayor Dickhoff
and the entire City Council are proud to have such great people at the City of Hoquiam!
The Explorer Post is an important piece of our Community Policing mission at the
Hoquiam Police Department. It doesn't matter if these young people want to go on to a
career in law enforcement or criminal justice in the future or not, because no matter
what, they will have learned, grown and experienced what it is to be a good citizen who
contributes to their community.