Coast Guard Rescues Family from Washaway Beach Jetty Saturday




The Coast Guard rescued a family Saturday from the Washaway Beach Jetty on the North Cove of Willapa Bay, Washington, after they became trapped by the rising tide. 

Two male adults, one minor and a canine were airlifted to safety without any reported injuries. 

Watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector Columbia River received notification from Pacific County dispatch at 2:14 p.m. that a family had walked out to the end of the jetty and then become stranded there. 

At 2:16 p.m. an MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew diverted from their training mission and arrived on the scene at 2:48 p.m. 

A rescue swimmer deployed and hoisted the family off the rocks and away from the rising water. 

The helicopter crew landed at a nearby field at 3:13 p.m., where Pacific County Sheriff’s deputies waited to return the family to their vehicle.

“This case demonstrates how important it is for beachgoers to be aware of their surroundings,” said Lt. Derrick Rocky, the external missions officer at Sector Columbia River. “Search for a tide table of your area before going to the beach to be sure you don’t get trapped by rising waters.”

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