Coast Guard aids rescue of 10 adults, 4 children from flooding near Forks




FORKS, Wash. – The Coast Guard aided the rescue of 10 people and four children Monday from a flooding residential area near Forks.

At approximately 8 a.m., Clallam County first responders requested Coast Guard air assistance to evacuate the residential area due to rising flood-waters and excessive currents which prevented the use of swift water boats.

An MH-65 Dolphin helicopter crew from Coast Guard Air Station Port Angeles arrived on scene at 9:40 a.m. and deployed a rescue swimmer to search multiple residences. No persons were found during these initial searches, and the air crew departed the scene to refuel at Quillayute Airport.

At approximately 11 a.m., an MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew from Sector Columbia River in Warrenton, Oregon, arrived on scene. The crew successfully evacuated a total of 10 people from multiple residences before transporting them to awaiting medical personnel at a nearby safe landing zone designated by the Clallam County Fire Department.

All known residents of the area are confirmed accounted for.

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