Call Catch-up 2 Chehalis Tribal Officers Injured Near Reservation Overnight




Upodating this call catch up with the official press release 

On 01-07-22 at approximately 10:22 PM a family called 911 requesting evacuation from their residence on Pearson Road in Oakville, Washington. The residence had been flooded and surrounded by water.  The family made arrangements with the Chehalis Tribal Emergency Management for temporary shelter.  State Route 12 was closed due to flooding in this area.   The Chehalis Tribal Police Department arranged to pick up the family on State Route 12 near Sickman Ford Road in their air boat to transport them to a temporary shelter east of that location.  The pick up location was at the edge of the floodwaters.  The Grays Harbor Sheriff’s Office Marine Unit responded to Pearson Road at SR 12 and launched a boat to rescue the family.  Two adults and three children were removed from the residence.  The Sheriff’s Office was then going to transport the family a short distance by vehicle to meet the Chehalis Tribal Police Department.

On 01-08-22 at approximately 12:15 AM two Chehalis Tribal Police officers responding in the air boat were injured in a collision.  The officers were responding to pick up the family in the Chehalis Police Department air boat.  The collision occurred on SR 12 just west of Anderson Road.  The boat struck a large tree during the collision  One officer received serious head injuries and was airlifted from Summit Pacific Hospital to Harborview Medical Center where he is in stable condition.  The second officer was ejected from the boat and was also injured.  The second officer was transported to Summit Pacific Hospital where he was treated and released.  The exact cause of the collision is not known at this time but further investigation will occur.


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