A 29-year-old Montesano man Mchatton, Mitchel Thomas is in custody this morning after breaking the glass to the front door of the Aberdeen Police Department, says Police Commander Timmons.
At about 3:50am, an officer inside the police station observed a subject through the video cameras pacing back and forth in front of the lobby doors. The subject was then observed picking up a decorative concrete paver from the ground and throwing it against the glass door, causing the glass to break.
Officers went out and contacted the subject and advised him he was under arrest. The suspect failed to follow directives and resisted officer's attempt to place him in custody. A taser was subsequently used to apprehend and control the suspect before being placed into handcuffs.
The suspect was
booked into the Aberdeen City Jail for malicious mischief 3rd degree and resisting arrest. When
asked, the suspect indicated he just wanted to go to jail.