Wow, this guy is certainly lucky things did not turn out worse for him. The Aberdeen Police Department says that a man fell into the Chehalis River, floated in it for an unknown amount of time and waited hours to be seen and rescued off the rocks.
On 3/14/15, about 1300 hours, two Aberdeen Police Officers were responding to the area of Morrison Riverfront Park on the East end by Lakeside for a call. While they were driving over the bluff, one of the officers saw a subject sitting on the rocks next to the river. The subject was wearing a bright jacket and stood out to the officer as suspicious.
After they completed their original call, the two officers walked down the Riverfront Trail and located the subject, who was identified as a 32-year-old man. He advised the officers that he had fallen into the river earlier that morning and was floating in the river until he was able to get to the rocks where he currently was. He thought it was before 0900 hours when he fell into the river. He did not know how long he had been in the river, but stated he had been calling out for help for hours.