Raymond Police arrived first and reported smoke coming from the residence. Raymond Fire Crews arrived shortly after to find the fire in the fan unit had extended into the roof structure of the home. Fire Crews were able to quickly knock down the fire and overhaul the area. Damage to the home extended from the bathroom, ceiling and to the roof structure.
Raymond Fire Department responded with an engine, a rescue unit, a medic unit and a command unit. In total, 7 firefighters responded to the alarm. The Raymond Police Department and the Pacific County Sheriff’s Office assisted with the call.
On 4/3/2018, at 10:004am, the Raymond Fire Department was dispatched to a reported Structure Fire on Taft Street in Raymond Washington.
Occupants of the home discovered a ceiling fan/heating unit in a bathroom overheated and began to burn in the ceiling. The occupants tried to extinguish the fire with a portable fire extinguisher but were unable to extinguish the fire. They safely escaped the home and called 911.