43-year-old Hoquiam Woman Airlited After Serious Injuries From Train Incident.


Grays Harbor Scanner Volunteer Admins first posted an alert about this incident on their Facebook page as an alert to what was happening in Aberdeen off State Street Early this morning.  We now have confirmation that the incident that which took place in an area clearly marked no trespassing resulted in a 43-year-old Hoquiam (last known real address) sustaining severe injuries while crossing a train to get to another part side of the tracks.  

Here is the official update from APD, LT Darst

On 5/17/2018 about 12:07 AM  Aberdeen Police Officers were in the downtown area when they heard a scream.  They began to check the area when dispatch advised them of a train vs. pedestrian accident on the railroad tracks near Harbor Battery.  Dispatch further advised that the pedestrian had suffered a double amputation of her legs.  When the Aberdeen Sergeant arrived on the scene, two Aberdeen Officers were applying department issued tourniquets to the victim's legs trying to stop the bleeding.  The victim was known by the officers and identified by them.  She is an Indian female about 43 years of age with the last address listed in our database as Hoquiam.  



The Aberdeen Fire Department arrived on scene and quickly evaluated the victim and then transported her to Grays Harbor Community Hospital.  She was stabilized and Life Flighted to Harborview Medical Center.
The officers determined that the train was traveling Eastbound and was currently in the Elma area and unaware of any accident.  The accident was processed by the officers.  The officers noted that the area of the accident is a high trespass area and is marked with no trespassing.  
We do not have any further updates for the victim at this time.

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