Father And Son Swept Out On Riptide Rescued Friday


Sgt. David McManus with the Ocean Shores Police Department says that Officer Chris Iverson once again played a vital role in rescuing a father who had become stranded in the waters off Ocean Shores after he tried rescuing his son who had been swept out on a riptide Late Friday Afternoon. 

A father and son got in trouble in the surf at Ocean Shores, but were brought safely to shore.

At about 3 p.m. on June 22, a 12-year old boy from Port Orchard was pulled out into the surf by a rip current. His father entered the surf to help him, and was also caught in the rip current.

The boy was able to make it to shore on his own. The 40-year old father, however, was able to get onto a submerged sand spit and stand up, but could not get out of the water on his own.



Ocean Shores PD Officer Iversen was able to wade into the water and throw a floatation device (attached to a rope) to the man. He was then able to pull the man across the channel surrounding the sand spit, and get him to shore.

Father and son were checked out by paramedics on the beach, and released with no lasting effects from the ordeal.

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