WSP Seeks Witnesses In Olympia, Heritage Park Abduction


The Washington State Patrol received reports of a possible abduction taking place at Heritage Park in Olympia at the State Capital at 10:30 p.m. on August 22, 2018.  This is close to home for our Grays Harbor Scanner fans, so we are putting this out. 

** Update ** The Washington State Patrol has confirmed officially just before 10 AM that the abduction case that they are investigating was a hoax. This is official information, sorry that we were not leading into the media hype of jumping to that conclusion when they announced it was a possibility, We wanted to wait and see for sure.

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Olympia – At approximately 10:30 p.m. on August 22, 2018, Washington State Patrol (WSP)Communications received a report of a possible abduction at Heritage Park in Olympia near Power House Road.

Trooper quickly arrived on scene, but the suspects had already fled with the victims. Witnesses
described the suspects’ vehicle as a red Ford pickup with a matching canopy and a gray or white hood. The vehicle is also believed to have Washington or Oregon license plates.



Witnesses indicated that five to six males dressed in white plastic jumpsuits and hoods grabbed three victims and restrained them with zip ties. According to the witnesses, the victims were asking for help and for someone to call 911. The witnesses were only able to describe one of the victims as a young female child between the ages of four to six-years-old. They were not able to provide any additional information on the victims.

The WSP detectives who arrived on scene canvassed the area for evidence and talked with witnesses. Detectives reviewed surveillance videos and obtained the images in this article.


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