27 Vehicles Broken Into In Cosmopolis Saturday Morning

The Cosmopolis Police Department said late Saturday evening that 27 vehicles were broken into prowled and items stolen early Saturday morning October 20th.  The majority of the vehicles were left unlocked overnight by their owners. 


Sometime in the early morning hours, numerous vehicle prowls occurred at several locations in Cosmopolis. Several homes along Bell Dr. were hit the hardest.

A total of 27 vehicles were broken into and the majority of them were unlocked, making them easy targets for someone to just go in and take what they want.

The post goes to say "Let's not make ourselves easy targets for these criminals". Please ensure your vehicles are locked properly and the windows closed. Also, secure any valuables such as laptops or electronics and any other items that would make your vehicle worth breaking into in the first place.

The Department said they will be their part in increasing the number of patrols in the area. Also, if you see any individuals going through vehicles or observe any other suspicious behavior, call 911 and we will send an Officer ASAP.

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