Escapee Amy Johnson Sought by County Sheriffs Department

Update - Just got official word that yes Johnson is in custody. It sounds like there may have been some crossing of PR / Timing and radio traffic. But yes she is in custody at this time. CANCEL ATL

On 12-11-18 at approximately 12:30 PM Grays Harbor County Jail inmate Amy Johnson, a 25-year-old transient from the Rochester area ran away from the Grays Harbor County jail work detail. 

The work detail was at Twin Harbors Recycling in Elma when she left on foot. 

Law enforcement and a K-9 unit responded to the scene and attempted to locate Johnson unsuccessfully. 

Johnson was later positively identified as being in Elma at 2:38 P.M. 

Officers started another search but were unable to locate her. 

The Sheriff’s Office will be asking for an arrest warrant for escape.  

Johnson was last seen wearing a black coat and blue thermal pants.  Johnson is described as having brown hair, blue eyes, 5’-04” tall and 120 pounds.  She does not have a violent history.  If seen do not approach or contact her call 911 to report seeing her.
An update from the Grays Harbor County Sheriffs Department this evening says that Amy Johnson, the escapee from a work crew in Elma was not apprehended.  She is not considered dangerous as she does not have a violent history but the public is asked to call 911 if seen.

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