Suicidal Hoquiam Woman Charged With Reckless Endangerment.

The Hoquiam Police Department responded to a call of Shots fired Sunday night where there were no injuries involving a suicidal woman, and initial reports were that it was a pellet gun, but later clarified by HPD.  

Here is what the Hoquiam Police Department Said Monday afternoon about the incident. 


A 37 year old Hoquiam woman was arrested on Sunday night for Reckless Endangerment. Hoquiam Officers responded to a residence in the 900 block of 1st Street at around 7:55 PM regarding a report of "Shots fired." Upon their arrival, household members of the female suspect alleged the female was suicidal and presented a handgun while inside the residence. At some point, the firearm discharged in the direction of a household member, causing minimal damage to the interior of the residence. Only minor injuries were reported as a result of debris caused by the discharge.

Based on the willful and wanton disregard for the safety of those family members inside the house, the female suspect was arrested and booked into the Hoquiam Jail. The suspect will be evaluated by a Designated Crisis Responder and she has a court appearance on May 14th in Hoquiam Municipal Court

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