Hoquiam's Newest Police Officer Has 4 and Barks Too


The Hoquiam Police Department welcomes its newest officer to patrol, and it adds 4 legs to the job not just 2.  Police Chief Myers says "Well, technically this new officer is commissioned as a police officer- just the four-legged kind. ?"

Niko recently completed his 6-week narcotics canine academy in Shelton and was certified by the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission as a narcotics canine team. Oh, and so was his two-legged patrol partner, Officer Jerad Spaur.

Officer Spaur has been a patrol officer with HPD for over five years and actually started with us as a police services officer in the City Jail.


Niko recently completed his 6-week narcotics canine academy in Shelton and was certified by the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission as a narcotics canine team. Oh, and so was his two-legged patrol partner, Officer Jerad Spaur.

Officer Spaur has been a patrol officer with HPD for over five years and actually started with us as a police services officer in the City Jail.

 Niko, who works basically for dog food, snacks, playing with a ball and the occasional belly-rub, came to the department last year as a kennel rescue. Animal Control Officer Tom Taylor recognized Niko (his new name as we don't know what he was called before he came to us) was very attentive and had great play-drive.


Niko excelled during canine training because he was excited to learn for the reward of playing with his toy. Although Niko appears to be a German Shepherd, most dogs with this sort of play-drive can be trained to detect narcotics.

Niko's partner, Officer Spaur, also did a good job in training but we think Niko carried Officer Spaur on the tests! ?

Officer Spaur and Niko officially worked for the first time yesterday by conducting a narcotics sweep in our City Jail. As we have mentioned in the past, the introduction of contraband into the City Jail is always a huge issue.

Niko came up empty yesterday, but our inmates took note of Niko and his busy-sniffing-nose-looking-for-dope. We suspect the word will get out it is not a good idea to be holding when you come into our jail!

Welcome to Niko (and Officer Spaur) as they make a great team for us here at HPD!

You will see that Niko is glued to Officer Spaur because they not only work together, but Niko lives with Officer Spaur and his family when off-duty.

Niko appears to enjoy his new life.

Niko will also be available to assist our local law enforcement partners as well as our Drug Task Force during the service of drug search warrants.

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