Human Remains Found In Remote Location Off Donkey Creek Tuesday




Grays Harbor County Undersherriff Johansson says that On May 26th, 2020 the Grays Harbor County Sheriff’s Office was notified that a contractor working for Green Diamond Resources located human remains in a remote area off of Donkey Creek Road.

Detectives from the Sheriff’s Office and the Grays Harbor County Coroner’s Office responded to the area to start a death investigation.

Detectives worked late into the evening and most of today (05-27-20) processing the scene.

Detectives confirmed that they have recovered human remains and Search and rescue workers were brought to the scene to assist in removing brush and searching the area for any possible evidence.

The investigation has just started and it is unknown if a crime has occurred at this early stage of the investigation.

The remains have not been identified and It is common practice to treat all death investigations as homicide investigations until it can be proven otherwise.

For clarification, homicide is defined in Washington law as the following: Homicide is the killing of a human being by the act, procurement, or omission of another, death occurring at any time, and is either (1) murder, (2) homicide by abuse, (3) manslaughter, (4) excusable homicide, or (5) justifiable homicide.

If you have information that could assist in this investigation please contact Detective Sgt. Paul Logan at 360-964-1751. If the information is urgent you can call the dispatch non-emergency number at 360-533-8765 to reach someone immediately.

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