Ocean Shores Police Kyle Watson Promoted to Deputy Chief




The Ocean Shores Police Department is proud to announce that Sergeant Kyle Watson has been promoted to the rank of Deputy Chief.

Kyle Watson began his law enforcement career in 1998 as a reserve police officer for the cities of Tonasket and Oroville in Eastern Washington. He became a full-time officer for Tonasket and attended the Basic Law Enforcement Academy in Spokane.

He was hired by the Ocean Shores Police Department in 2005, and was promoted to the rank of sergeant in 2016. During his years with Ocean Shores PD, he was awarded the Medal of Merit twice for lifesaving efforts, and received a commendation for establishing a Block Watch program.

As a sergeant, he was in charge of the Marine Patrol Unit, the Reserve Officer Program, and the Field Training program. As Deputy Chief, he will take on a variety of administrative tasks, along with handling major incidents and investigations.

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