.jpg#joomlaImage://local-images/2023/09/22/bh-stock-roadwork (1).jpg?width=1140&height=759)
Great news for travelers that use State Route 108 from McCleary to Shelton as the Washington State Department of Transportation says that the roadway is back open. However, expect another closure late October

Improvements to Aberdeen streets are scheduled for construction beginning the week of August 21, 2023. City of Aberdeen recently awarded two separate projects to improve roadways in Aberdeen. The City awarded the A St & I St project to Rognlin’s Inc., which is a reconstruction project on A St. from 1 st St. to 2 nd St. as well as on I Street from 9 th St. to the entrance to Sam Benn Park. The second project was awarded to Lakeside Inc. to complete the Grind and Inlay project on Park and Alder Streets from Heron St. to State St., on Broadway St. from W Wishkah St. to State St, and on E Market St from E St. to B St.
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