Wind Watch Upgraded to Wind Warning for Wednesday


Trees have full canopies and the high winds bring a high potential for localized power outages from fallen tree branches resulting in downed power lines. Localized urban flooding could occur due to leaf covered storm drains. Many trees will have all leaves stripped from them during this storm event. All area rivers will rise but unlikely to reach flood stage.

On the horizon, another storm is heading our way this weekend, which at this time, appears to be comparable to the Wednesday storm. The storm may bring heavy rainfall, increasing the possibility some area streams and rivers could approach flood stage. At this point, the storm is still a few days away. Better storm models will be available later in the week.

Heavy rainfall accumulations from Wednesday morning through Wednesday night are forecast to be between 1.5” and 2”.

Heavy downpours could occur at any time. Please use caution while driving during periods of rain due to the potential of pooled water on area roads and highways.

Be ready for potential power outages due to fallen tree limbs and power lines. DO NOT use portable generators indoors or near windows or doors.

A significant fall storm will arrive this morning and last through the early morning hours of Thursday. A High Wind Warning has been issued by the National Weather Service in Seattle from 9:00 am this morning through 9:00 pm this evening, with sustained Southeast and South, winds at 25-40 mph, gusting to 55 mph along with heavy rain. Coastal areas of Grays Harbor County will be affected including Ocean Shores, Westport, Hoquiam, Aberdeen, Moclips and Taholah. Peak winds will be this afternoon and ease this evening.

Away from the coast, gusty wind conditions and heavy rain will impact the entire region.

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