City Of Aberdeen Sets Up Sandbag Station For Potential Flooding Tuesday



According to the City of Aberdeen, There will be an elevated risk of flooding in Aberdeen on Tuesday, November 17, 2020. NOAA’s predicted high tide at Aberdeen on Tuesday is 11.85 feet (MLLW datum) at 2:06 PM. The National Weather Service is forecasting that the actual tide may be 1.6 feet higher than NOAA’s prediction (13.45 feet MLLW) due to strong winds and low pressure. Rainfall is forecasted to begin early Tuesday morning and continue throughout the day. The combination of a very high tide and rainfall can result in lowland area flooding, especially within two to three hours before and after the high tide. All of the City’s stormwater pump stations are operational and Public Works crews are ready to respond to flooding if it occurs.


What you can do:

  • Stay tuned to news and weather alerts, and be prepared for changing conditions. Check the
    National Weather Service’s website at
  • The City will have a sandbag station set up starting at 8:00 AM Tuesday, November 17 at the City’s shop at 1201 W Heron Street. Sand and bags will be available at no charge. Plan on filling your own bags as pre-made bags may not be available.
  •  Move valuables or lift them up out of areas that flood.
  • Stay out of floodwaters and flooded areas if possible.
  • Keep drains clear by using a rake or other hand tool to clear debris. This will help floodwaters to drain out of the area after the tide has ebbed. (Do not use hands, feet, or other body parts to clear debris.)
  • The City strongly advises against driving through floodwater, but if you do, DRIVE VERY SLOWLY (5 MPH MAX) as wakes from vehicles swamp adjacent homes and businesses causing needless damage. Please be courteous by finding an alternate route or waiting for floodwaters to recede rather than causing undue harm to property from vehicle wakes.

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