APD - Overdo Hiker Located After 2 Hour Search.


Aberdeen Police Officers found an overdue hiker/walker Sunday evening after searching for 2 hours on the Lake Swan Trail near the Grays Harbor Community College.  Here is what we have this afternoon from Lt Darst of APD. 

          On May 18, 2018, Aberdeen Officers were dispatched to Grays Harbor College reference an overdue hiker. The RP reported her husband, a 78-year-old Aberdeen man, left to go on his daily walk. The RP reported that her husband had not returned home and she was concerned for him.

          Officers arrived on scene and located the man’s vehicle at the start of the Lake Swano trail. Aberdeen Officers entered the trails from both sides of the lake and yelled for the man as they walked. Both groups of officers met at the floating bridge at the south end of the lake without locating any sign of the missing person or his dog.



Aberdeen Officers continued further south to the swampy end of the lake and the man responded to the officer’s yells. The man was on the west side of the swamp where there were no trails. Officers had to make a trail to the swamp from the east side of the swamp and then cross the swamp while stepping on grass and crossing downed logs. The missing man was located and officers assisted him across the swamp while carrying his small dog.

          It took officers almost two hours to locate and rescue the male from the wooded area. He was escorted back to the trail head where his condition was checked by AFD.

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