2 Arrested For Burglary in Aberdeen Overnight,

Two Aberdeen burglars were arrested overnight with the assistance of the Hoquiam Police Department and the Washington State Patrol. 

Here is more on this incident with information from Lt. Chastain APD. 



An Aberdeen Police officer responded to a suspicious circumstance call at the Aberdeen Manor (100 block W. 2nd St.) around 2:39 AM this morning when a concerned citizen reported finding a locked down access door propped open. 

While checking the floors, the officer located evidence of a burglary and requested additional officers to respond and assist. 

Moments later the officer was face to face with the two 28-year old suspects (male and female, both Aberdeen residents) in the 3rd-floor storage area.  The officer was familiar with both from prior contacts and knew of an active court order which prohibited the two from being around each other. 

As the officer awaited backup units to arrive and assist with the arrest of the suspects he had detained, the male suspect jumped up to make an effort to escape out an open window.

The officer grabbed his backpack and was able to prevent the suspect from falling to almost certain injury. 

The suspect was able to slip himself from the backpack, and he crawled down the window ledge below, a rain canopy at the first floor, and then to the ground. 

Once on the ground, the suspect began running.  The officer was able to call on his radio to a Hoquiam Police sergeant and Washington State Patrol trooper who was arriving to assist.  They began a foot chase with the male suspect, who was taken into custody a short time later. 

The female suspect was cooperative and she was taken into custody without incident.



The officer was able to recover the male suspect’s backpack, which contained suspected methamphetamines, syringes, and tools for assisting the suspects with committing burglaries. 

During the custody search of the female suspect and her backpack, she was found to be in possession of suspected heroin and methamphetamine, as well as a crowbar. 

The two have been arrested on a variety of charges to include VUCSA (Violation of the Uniform Controlled Substance Act), Burglary, Felony Court Order Violation, Obstructing a Law Enforcement Officer, Resisting Arrest, and outstanding arrest warrants.

The Aberdeen Police Department wishes to express our thanks to our partner agencies of the Hoquiam Police Department and the Washington State Patrol for their urgent response and assistance with the arrest of the fleeing suspect.

Super User
