Coast Guard aircrew medevacs NOAA observer from vessel off Washington Coast

The New United States Coast Guard says that they medically evacuated a 24-year-old man that was an observer for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 30 miles off of the Washington coast this weekend, a second "National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Observer" in recent months to have been airlifted off a vessel off of the Washington Coast. 


ARRENTON, Ore. — A Coast Guard aircrew medically evacuated an ill man off a factory trawler underway 30 miles off the Washington Coast, Friday Night.

An aircrew aboard an MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter from Sector Columbia River safely hoisted the 24-year-old man and flew him to awaiting emergency medical services, which transported him to Columbia Medical Hospital for further care.

Watchstanders at the sector’s command center, received the initial call for support at 9:02 p.m., from the operators of the 252-foot factory trawler American Triumph.



The man, who was acting as an observer for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, was reportedly suffering from severe abdominal pain. After briefing the vessel operators with the duty flight surgeon, the decision was made to medevac the man.

“For mariners, an illness at sea can quickly become life threatening,” said Lt. j. g. Dave Strojny, the co-pilot for this mission. “Thankfully, we were able to get out there and expeditiously hoist the individual and deliver him to a higher level of medical care.”

The Coast Guard aircrew launched at 10:14 p.m. and was on scene at 10:37 and completed the hoist at 10:58 p.m.

The man’s condition is unknown at this time.

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