Ocean Shores Officer Makes An Arrest On Felony Murder 2 Warrant.

On December 29, 2018, Ocean Shores PD Sgt. Watson arrested a 39-year old Aberdeen man on warrants out of Spokane County for Murder 2, Robbery 1 and Robbery 2. The man was also charged with a number of traffic offenses.


At about 10am on the 29th, Sgt. Watson spotted a suspicious vehicle on Moxt Street in Illahee (Illahee is a small community just outside of Ocean Shores). As he was turning around to check on the car, it sped off and entered the city of Ocean Shores. The vehicle then turned into the parking lot of an apartment building in the 800 block of Ocean Shores Blvd. NW. The vehicle attempted to drive behind the building in what appeared to be an attempt to elude the officer. As the car went behind the building the driver lost control, spinning out on the wet grass and finally coming to a stop.



The driver was detained in handcuffs and identified. He was found to be the subject of arrest warrants from Spokane County for Murder 2, Robbery 1 and Robbery 2. The suspect has already served time in prison for these crimes, and the warrants were for probation violations.

The driver was cited for Reckless Driving and four traffic infractions. He was booked in the County Jail on the felony warrants.

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