Disorderly Aberdeen Man Prompts Multi Officer Response Friday Night

On June 28th at 8:49 PM, Aberdeen Police Officers were dispatched to a report of a disorderly subject in the area of the 1700 block of Aberdeen Avenue, Aberdeen.

Several neighbors were reporting an adult male was outside screaming and throwing items at nearby neighbors. Upon arrival, the suspect, a 60-year-old Aberdeen resident, was yelling at neighbors that he was going to kill their cat then went into his residence.

A roommate allowed officers entry and officers were going to attempt to arrest the male for disorderly conduct. The suspect charged at the officers, punching one in the face while yelling at officers as they attempted to detain him. Three officers struggled to restrain the male and deployed a Taser, which had no effect. Officers were eventually able to gain control as additional officers arrived to assist


While escorting the male outside, there was large pane of glass resting next to the house. As they walked past the glass towards the patrol car, the suspect kneed the glass and was able to shove an escorting officer into the broken pane. This caused the suspect and officer to both sustain lacerations.

Due to the suspect’s injuries, officers attempted to apply a tourniquet while Aberdeen Fire Department Paramedics responded. The suspect resisted efforts to treat his injuries and had to be restrained to a stretcher for treatment.



The suspect was taken to Grays Harbor Community Hospital and released to our custody several hours later. Several officers sustained minor abrasions, lacerations and exposure to bodily fluids as a result of the incident.

The suspect was booked into the Aberdeen Police Department Jail on charges of Assault 3rd Degree, Reckless Endangerment, Disorderly Conduct and Resisting Arrest.

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