Pacific County - Coast Guard rescues 2 stranded hikers from Leadbetter Point


A Coast Guard aircrew hoisted two stranded hikers Monday night from Leadbetter State Park which is at the tip of the Long Beach Penninsula.

A rescue crew aboard an MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter from Coast Guard Sector Columbia River hoisted the uninjured women and transported them to a nearby airport.


Coast Guard watchstanders at the Sector Columbia River Command Center received a call from Pacific County dispatch at 5:20 p.m. stating two hikers had become stranded in the park and were surrounded by water due to the incoming tide.

The aircrew launched from Air Station Astoria at 6 p.m. and arrived on scene at 6:15 p.m.

The rescue crew successfully completed the hoist and arrived at Ilwaco Airport at 7 p.m., where a Washington State Park Ranger met the women and gave them a ride back to their vehicle.

The Coast Guard reminds the public to stay alert of their surroundings and pay attention to the tides when venturing out on ocean beaches.


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