One Arrested For Controlled Substance Homicide After Drug Overdose Results In A Death


On 03-31-20 at about 1:38 PM, the Hoquiam Police and Fire Departments responded to a residence in the 2800 block of Simpson Avenue after a 911 report of a female who had possibly overdosed. Immediately upon arrival, officers and medics performed CPR, however efforts to revive her were unsuccessful as she was pronounced deceased at Grays Harbor Community Hospital.

Hoquiam Detectives were called to the scene and learned the victim, a 33 year old Aberdeen resident, had been given pills by the resident, a 45 year old female. Numerous other pills, which were admittedly purchased illicitly, were seized from the residence. The female resident was taken into custody for investigation of Controlled Substance Homicide.


Further investigation into the source of the illicit pills led detectives to a residence in the 400 block of West 1st Street in Aberdeen where a search warrant was served today by the Hoquiam and Aberdeen Police Departments, with assistance from the Grays Harbor County Drug Task Force. During a search of that residence, detectives located a large amount of illicit pills, methamphetamine, over $5600.00 cash, and other evidence of drug sales. The 33 year old resident was taken into custody for numerous drug offenses.

Once the ongoing investigation is completed, the case will be forwarded to the Grays Harbor County Prosecutor’s Office for charges.

This case should put drug dealers on notice that every time we have an overdose death, we are going to come looking for you, because many lives are at stake. We are using every available criminal and civil tool to combat this deadly epidemic and stop these tragic losses. Local Grays Harbor law enforcement will continue to work together with one definitive goal: To put people responsible for drug deaths in jail! We will continue to aggressively pursue those who deal drugs and cause deaths in our community.


The Hoquiam Police Department also wants to emphasize the abundance of counterfeit pills on the local market. Although illicitly purchased pills may appear to be pharmaceutical, they are often made by organized groups using fentanyl or fentanyl analogs, then transported to distribution points in bulk for illegal sales. These pills are crudely made, with inconsistent concentrations of fentanyl in each pill. Sadly, half of one counterfeit pill can kill you.

For those who suffer from addiction, please know there is help. Call the Opioid Crisis line at 1- 877-586-6176.

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