Yesterday was pretty busy for east county and the Elma area. This is a catch-up on some of those calls, as our team, for the most part, took Easter Sunday off to enjoy with our families. fior call catch ups we go through our online recorded call audio from our GHScanner App Services. We listen to the audio and these are the details of the incident that we are able to gather. There has been no official press release as of writing this.
4:40 PM WSP spotted a Black sedan doing over 100 MPH at Devonshire overpass eastbound 12 who fled from the traffic stop. WSP did not go in pursuit, the reason for the attempted stop was speed and erratic driving the fleeing vehicle was a 2012 Mercedes out of Bellevue. An Elma officer ended up behind it at SR 12 and 3rd St Elma, he attempted to stop the vehicle at Fairgrounds RD and took the subject into custody and turned over to WSP.
4:39 PM An Erratic motorcycle was reported EB 12 from Schouweiler RD a black motorcycle at a high rate of speed and erratic with a female passenger on the back. Motorcycle exited at 3rd St. Elma. The motorcycle was located by an Elma officer and WSP at the Shell Station off 3rd St. The motorcycle attempted to take off from them. Elma officer requested EMS to respond to the scene at Shell Station for evaluation after use of force. The subject was taken into custody.
Fire was dispatched to the 4700 block SR 12 Elma, for smoke investigation at 8:27 PM near the Elma RV Park - there was a report of a large amount of smoke east of the RV park. An Elma officer arrived at the scene reporting that there were a bunch of tires and brush on fire. Second tones requested with mutual aid from Oakville FD 1. It was believed some homeless person or persons may have started the fire.
At the same time of the fire, there was a report of a suicidal driver heading towards McCleary/Elma from Mason County that was being followed by the driver's mother armed with a knife, who was driving erratically and at a high rate of speed.