Huge weather change coming to Washington coast Sunday


A series of storms will bring much needed rain to Western           Washington starting Sunday. At this time, it appeared that the heaviest rains will occur with the Monday and midweek storms. Some places, especially on the coast and in the mountains, will receive over an inch of rain from each of these storms. The amount of rain expected will be the most we have received since late spring. 

Expect a cold front to sweep across the area late Sunday and usher in a colder air mass. Snow levels will fall into the 4500 to 5500 foot range by Monday morning. Anticipate the snow levels to generally remain in this range through the midweek. This will result in snow accumulations, mainly above the 5000 foot level. 

Those planning on hiking or camping in the mountains this upcoming week should pay close attention to the latest weather forecasts. Be prepared for wet and chilly conditions.

While some of us will be dreading the wet and colder weather, it is something that is much needed for our region to help with the extreme fire danger.  We have the latest weather report here, showing a system moving in that will bring colder temperatures and rain.

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