The collision occurred on July 12th, 2023 at 12:53 PM on US 101 milepost 362 / Mud Bay Rd when 3 vehicles all traveling northbound on 101 in lane 1 (slow lane) slowed for traffic when a 4th vehicle driven by a 41-year-old Rochester man driving a 2014 Chevrolet Silverado crashed into one of the other 3 vehicles a 2019 Honda CRF250L motorcycle driven by a 46-year-old Olympia man. The motorcyclist then struck a 2019 Nissan Kicks driven by a 40-year-old Yelm man, which in turn that vehicle then struck a 2013 Honda Pilot driven by a 45 yer old Puyallup man.
The motorcyclist was deceased at the scene. The driver and passenger of the Nissan Kicks were both transported to St Peters for their injuries. The drier of the Honda Pilot was transported for his injuries, the passenger was not injured.
Cause of the collision is following to close, no drugs or alcohol were involved.
vehicle one struck vehicle two.
vehicle two struck vehicle three.
vehicle three struck vehicle four.