Grays Harbor Fire District 2 said in a social medial post overnight that “they were en route to a tech rescue with a patient approximately 200 feet down a ravine with multiple injuries." Not much else was posted, so the following is from our recorded call audio from our online scanners.
The call came in at 10:37 PM, with the dispatch advising that a female had fallen down over the edge of an embankment 200 ft down into a ravine .3 miles on the gravel on forest rd 22.
A Sheriff's deputy that arrived on scene before the fire department advised that the woman was conscious and breathing. He had also advised that the terrain was steep straight up and down.
Thurston County SORT team was requested for the rescue and Lifeflight was asked to be put on standby.
Weather conditions were starting to change and Lifeflight was not going to be unable to land at the dam, with that Airlift NW was requested as they have night vision goggles and could do the landing. They were requested to the Dam for the landing zone.