This is an overnight call catch up overnight call catch-up. Call Catch Ups are incidents that our team find that occurred overnight, and we go through our online recorded call audio from our GHScanner App Services. We listen to the audio and these are the details of the incident that we are able to gather. There has been no official press release as of writing this.
Grays Harbor Fire District 1 Oakville was dispatched to a structure in the (originally the 100 block W Harris and then corrected to the100 block W Oak St). First dispatch advised that the back porch as on fire of a 1-story residence with the fire spreading to the main residence.
Mutual Aid was being requested from East Grays Harbor Fire and West Thurston Fire.
FD advised that they had one occupant out of the residence, another still unaccounted for.
Radio traffic indicated that a residence close to the home on fire to the north had caught on fire, this one was in the 100 block of W Oak St to the back of the original home that was on fire.
FD advised that they had the female occupant of the first residence out of the residence, the male occupant was lost in the heavy smoke and flames. (Currently no confirmation of fatality as there is no official press release)
Fire was in mop up at 3:45 AM with Red Cross being requested for 2 displaced families for both residences.