This is an overnight call catch up overnight call catch-up. Call Catch Ups are incidents that our team find that occurred overnight, and we go through our online recorded call audio from our GHScanner App Services. We listen to the audio and these are the details of the incident that we are able to gather. There has been no official press release as of writing this.
Aberdeen fire with Hoquiam Fire mutual aid was dispatched to a residential structure fire just before 2:00 AM on September 21st, 2023 in the 300 block of W Marion St. The initial call per our online scanner recorded audio files was that there was smoke and flames visible and that the caller believed that the only occupant of the residence was outside. That resident did call 911 and advised that everyone was out of the home expect 3 dogs that were still inside locked in their kennels.
An Aberdeen Police officer arrived at the scene, advising that the home was fully engulfed.
A second alarm was called for that also included Grays Harbor Fire District 2 - Officers were advising they were hearing explosions inside of the residence.
Fire went into overhaul before 3:30 AM.
An Aberdeen Police officer arrived at the scene, advising that the home was fully engulfed.
A second alarm was called for that also included Grays Harbor Fire District 2 - Officers were advising they were hearing explosions inside of the residence.
Fire went into overhaul before 3:30 AM.